Anita Wicks Homeopathy Brighton - East Sussex

About Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional therapy can be of great use to people looking for:

• advice on healthy eating
• help with losing weight
• assistance with particular symptoms

Tailored healing

Nutritional therapy is not a 'one size fits all' approach. Each person is an individual with their own story and their own unique requirements.

Nutritional healing can help you to understand and map your particular process from full health to where you are now, to help you gain an insight into why you might have become unwell or be in discomfort or pain.

My role is to support you according to your individual needs. I’ll work to create the most favourable conditions to stimulate and enhance your natural healing tendency.

“My life has been immeasurably enhanced by Anita’s considerable expertise and a wisdom. She has addressed issues including: supporting recovery from major surgery, depression and anxiety, various infections, ageing and general well-being.” Jane Mc

Typical conditions

Your body is made up of trillions of cells, all connected - a network of interconnected systems. A disease process can start from any of the following examples:

• a poor diet and lifestyle may lead to nutritional imbalances causing hormonal disturbances
• prolonged stress and long hours in the workplace may lead to poor eating habits like eating on the go or whilst at your desk, resulting in poor digestion and related problems
• environmental exposures to certain toxic metals like mercury or lead can precipitate various disorders
• transitional periods in our life around puberty and menopause can be times when we need additional support
• unresolved emotional issues can cause chronic stress to our bodies, until we learn how to integrate the experience and move on.

Nutritional therapy & homeopathy

Homeopathy can be a great help used alongside nutritional therapy. It can assist with any emotional blocks and healing, or with supporting the immune system, for example in the case of sensitivities and intolerance to certain foods.

Learn more about homeopathy

Nutritional Therapy. HomeopathyNaturopathy

What to expect from a consultation

During your first consultation I will take a detailed history. This will include details of your present health problems, past medical history, family medical history, your diet, eating habits and lifestyle.

Once I have an understanding of you and your problems, we can start to formulate a plan to support you to return to a more balanced state of health and wellbeing.

This will include some or all of the following:

• an explanation of naturopathic philosophy and how it relates to your particular problems
• personalised advice for diet and lifestyle changes
• details of any recommended nutritional supplements
• naturopathic techniques, such as dry skin brushing and hydrotherapy

Next steps

If you’re interested in discussing how nutritional therapy might be able to help and support you and your lifestyle, I’d be delighted to hear from you.

Get in touch

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